Delaware Motorcycle Test 02

Feeling inspired to start your motorcycle adventure? Take the first step today with our free Delaware motorcycle permit practice test and get one step closer to earning your ticket to ride.

Delaware Motorcycle Practice Test 02

1 / 30

Engine braking can help you control your motorcycle. It happens when?

2 / 30

A basic inspection should take place before?

3 / 30

When holding the rear brake down on level ground, you should not be able to push the motorcycle?

4 / 30

When riding your motorcycle, your arms should be?

5 / 30

As you are riding, how far ahead should you be searching your path of travel?

6 / 30

Your brake light should operate?

7 / 30

On a normal motorcycle, you operate the rear brake with?

8 / 30

When should you change items on your motorcycle such as oil, filters etc.?

9 / 30

What's the main reason for riders crashing in curves?

10 / 30

What's the maximum interval you should leave between checking your hydraulic fluid and coolant levels?

11 / 30

How will keeping your knees against the gas tank as you ride help you?

12 / 30

You should adjust your mirrors so that they show?

13 / 30

When inspecting your drive system, you should check what?

14 / 30

What is the most vital element to being seen by other drivers?

15 / 30

ABS systems can help you to avoid what?

16 / 30

If a car driver enters an intersection with the traffic light on yellow, turning to red, and you pull away with a green light and s/he hits you, whose fault is that?

17 / 30

When you release the throttle, it should return to its closed position?

18 / 30

To help yourself get round a turn, where should you be looking?

19 / 30

The best way to make sure that you use both brakes automatically in an emergency is what?

20 / 30

Where will you find neutral on most motorcycle gearboxes?

21 / 30

If you have to brake in the middle of a curve, the lack of traction available means that you should?

22 / 30

You can best employ the correct muscles for precision steering if?

23 / 30

If your motorcycle is equipped with a tachometer, what will it show you?

24 / 30

In order to avoid accidentally employing too much throttle, when you start from a standstill your right wrist should be?

25 / 30

Why is it even more important to maintain and check your motorcycle than it would be with a car?

26 / 30

To avoid skidding, as you move through a straight-line braking maneuver how should you apply your brakes (after having applied them both to begin with)?

27 / 30

You should base your gear changes on what?

28 / 30

Why shouldn't you drag your feet when riding?

29 / 30

If your motorcycle is equipped with a kick start, where will you find it?

30 / 30

Before shifting up or down, what's the first step you should take?

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What’s on the Delaware Motorcycle Permit Test?

To ace the permit test, you’ll need a solid understanding of the material covered in the Delaware Motorcycle Manual, provided by the Delaware Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The manual contains everything you need to know, including guidelines that could save your life on the road.

Key Topics Covered

Here are some of the critical topics you’ll encounter during the test and in your learning phase:

  • Hand Signals: Understand and memorize hand signals for stopping, turning, and lane changes—especially if you’re riding a motorcycle without automatic signal lights.
  • Crash Avoidance: Learn tips for staying alert, maintaining proper following distances, and handling unexpected hazards such as debris or sudden stops.
  • Mechanical Problems: Gain insight into troubleshooting fundamental issues, like engine failure, to ensure your bike is always ready to ride safely.
  • Alcohol and the Law: Familiarize yourself with statutes related to alcohol consumption while operating a motorcycle to avoid fines, license revocation, or worse—accidents caused by impaired driving.
  • Passenger and Cargo Safety: Get practical advice on how to carry passengers or travel with luggage without compromising your bike’s handling or balance.

By studying these topics, you’ll increase your chances of passing the test and cultivate the knowledge you need to ride confidently and safely.