In the real world, there are dare-devils that would make fictional characters like Ghost-Rider’s Johnny Blaze look like an amateur. However, stunt-riding on a motorcycle is no monkey business and there are daredevils who break their bones trying to break records and even lose their lives in the process. Please note that motorcycle daredevils usually dedicate their lives to performing such dangerous acts by obsessing and practicing thousands of hours before the main event. Hence, you should never try these life threatening stunts anywhere without professional guidance.
- World’s Fastest Wheelie Record– Lifting the front wheel up while riding a motorcycle on average speed may not seem like a very challenging task for an experienced motorcycle rider. However, increase the speed to over 200mph and suddenly everybody will be reluctant on doing it except Gary Rothwell. The Liverpool daredevil was clocked at a speed of 209.8mph while riding a 540hp turbocharged Suzuki Hayabusa with the front wheel up in the air like a plane that is trying to take off. The stunt was performed on 19th September 2015 at Elvington airstrip.
- Back flip Maneuver over low flying plane- Imagine doing a back flip motorcycle jump over a mid-sized aircraft that is flying at a speed of 200mph. If you jump too early or too slow, you risk splattering your brains all over the pavement or causing a mid-air collision. Too late and you will miss the target by a mile or even more. That is why the motorcyclists, Nick de Witt, and the pilot, Glenn Dell took 2 years to prepare for that particular stunt. Since the plane was flying not more than 6.5 feet above the ground, calculating the nearest millisecond and millimeter accuracy is critical.
- Bull Chase (Knight and Day) – Tom Cruise is probably one of the few Hollywood actors that perform physically demanding action stunts without a double agent to back him up. Behind the scenes footage of the Knight and Day movie shows Tom Cruise flipping Cameron Diaz in mid air while speeding a motorcycle on a single wheel. Additionally, the scene included a herd of angry bulls in pursuit although it took at least 4 days to completely master the scene with no CGI effect. Apparently, Tom Cruise has been riding motorcycles since he was a kid so it was easier for him to perform such stunts.
- Highest Quarter pipe Motorcycle Jump- Ronnie Renner must have taken Red Bull’s slogan literally and jumped 59 feet and 2 inches off a quarter-pipe like he had been gifted with wings. The event occurred at Santa Monica in California in front of at least 20,000 spectators. A year later, Ronnie Renner went on to extend his record in Chicago by jumping 63 feet and 5 inches up in the air.
- Jumping 14 Greyhound Buses- Most people would consider this list incomplete without mentioning the godfather of dangerous motorcycle stunts, Evel Knievel. The man successfully or attempted to jump a fleet of cars, hundreds of rattlesnakes, a mountain lion, tank full of sharks, double-decker buses, beer trucks and the grand canyon! Acknowledged in the Guinness book of records with the most broken bones in a lifetime, Evel Knievel was superman on two wheels. Barely 6 months after suffering serious injuries while performing a stunt in London, Knievel jumped 180 feet over greyhound buses with a Harley Davidson. Impressively, the record was surpassed after 24 years.
- First Ever Double Backflip- Travis Patrina amazed the whole crowd at Staples Centre at the annual X Games in Los Angeles back in 2006 when he successfully completely the first ever double backflip trick on a motorcycle to claim a legendary status. The whole crowd went insane and the commentators lost their words landing Travis Patrina the best motorcycle trick that year.
- Jumping a football field- In a display of either courage or insanity, Robbie Maddison jumped a football pitch arena at the 2007 Red Bull Experiment event. A feat never achieved before, Robbie Maddison became the first motorcycle rider to surpass the 300 feet barrier. The Aussie daredevil used a Honda CR 500 to elevate 322 feet over a football field at speed of more than 94 miles per hour.
- The Wall of Death- Like the name suggests, the wall of death is perhaps the most treacherous motorcycle stunt ever invented. The technique requires the rider to lean against a vertical angle and maintain the same position throughout the stunt. A simple error like a neglected pathway can land the rider in hospital or even cause death. Regardless, that is not enough to stop Patch McGillicutty. In fact, the motorcyclist has a reputation of riding at the wall of death at a speed of up to 71MPH.
- Jumping the Snake River Canyon- After being denied the opportunity to jump the Grand Canyon by the federal government, Evel Knievel turned his attention to the Snake River Canyon. Most people thought he had lost his wits until he showed up with a Skincycle X-2 rocket propelled motorcycle at the edge of a cliff. However, the parachute deployed prematurely and the wind blew the motorcycle back into the canyon. Even though Evel Knievel did not complete the 1600 feet jump, he made a major stride in the motorcycle stunt world.
- Riding on Water- Robbie Maddison must have been tired of riding on land that he decided to ride a dirt bike on water . Matter fact, he did not ride a motorcycle on a calm lake but he opted to surf along the enormous ocean waves of Tahiti at a speed of 35MPH. It all sounds impossible but how did he do it? Behind the scenes, Robbie Madison prepared for that specific stunt for 2 years by fitting the wheels with skis and running tests on water bodies. Eventually, Maddison settled on a modified KTM 250 SX motorcycle and after intense risk assessment, he became the first daredevil to ride a motorcycle on water.

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