Alaska Motorcycle Test 03

Ride defensively and always follow traffic laws to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the road. Good luck with your exam! So, keep practicing with our test, and you’ll be ready to hit the open road in no time.


Alaska Motorcycle Practice Test 03

1 / 30

What sort of time gap should you leave between yourself and the vehicle ahead in normal conditions?

2 / 30

If you have no choice but to ride across a patch of ice or wet leaves, what's your best strategy?

3 / 30

When crossing a metal bridge grating, your motorcycle starts to shake. What is your best strategy?

4 / 30

What will probably be your first indicator of a rear wheel flat?

5 / 30

Which of these may contribute to your motorcycle wobbling?

6 / 30

The only safe way to deal with a tailgater is to...?

7 / 30

It is permissible to squeeze past a car in your lane if..?

8 / 30

If you feel the chain on your motorcycle slipping, what should you do?

9 / 30

If you are riding with a heavy load and your motorcycle starts to wobble, what can you do to rectify matters?

10 / 30

Why should you be wary of oil on the surface when you park?

11 / 30

What's a good reason for not overtaking a car ahead of you at night?

12 / 30

If your throttle becomes stuck open, which two things should you do simultaneously?

13 / 30

In rainy conditions, you should..?

14 / 30

If you have to make a quick turn to the right, what should you do?

15 / 30

You see a car approaching an intersection from your right. Why should you hold center lane position?

16 / 30

As you approach a slippery surface, what should you do?

17 / 30

If you have to stop suddenly when going in a straight line, which of these is the best combination for braking?

18 / 30

Where should you be particularly vigilant about buildups of dirt, gravel and road salt?

19 / 30

If you have to brake in a turn, you should be particularly guarded about locking the back wheel, because...?

20 / 30

When crossing a slippery surface, you should...?

21 / 30

At night time you should..?

22 / 30

You're approaching an entrance ramp on the freeway and see another vehicle about to join. What should you do?

23 / 30

When you are stopped behind another vehicle, you should...?

24 / 30

A car pulling out from the curb looks as though it's intending to make a U-turn. What should you do?

25 / 30

What's the sharpest angle at which you can safely cross railroad tracks?

26 / 30

On what occasion is it acceptable to share a lane with another vehicle?

27 / 30

When approaching an intersection with right-of-way in your favor, you should...?

28 / 30

You see a large truck approaching and you are worried that you may be affected by the wind blast as it passes. Where's the best place to position yourself?

29 / 30

If you have to ride over an obstacle, why should you stand up on the foot pegs?

30 / 30

Why shouldn't you ride between lanes of stopped cars?

Your score is



Ace Your Alaska Motorcycle License Test

Using our practice test and following these tips makes you feel confident and well-prepared for your Alaska motorcycle license exam. Good luck with your test, and safe riding! Remember that passing the exam is just the beginning of your journey as a responsible and skilled motorcycle rider. Don’t forget always to wear proper safety gear and continue to educate yourself on best practices for safe riding.

Ride On! Happy Riding! So grab your helmet, rev up your engine, and take on the open road confidently, knowing you are fully prepared for whatever comes your way. Remember, safe riding is vital for yourself and others sharing the road with you. Stay vigilant, stay alert, and always ride responsibly.

Congratulations on taking this vital step toward becoming a licensed motorcycle rider in Alaska! Keep learning and improving your skills and knowledge to become an even better rider. Most importantly, enjoy the freedom and thrill of riding on two wheels. See you out there on the road! Ride safe, have fun, and always keep learning. The journey never ends when it comes to riding motorcycles

Tips for Passing the Exam

In addition to using our practice test, here are some tips to help you pass your Alaska motorcycle license exam:

  • Study the DMV Operator’s Manual thoroughly and take notes on important information.
  • Please familiarize yourself with different road signs and their meanings.
  • Practice safe riding techniques, such as proper lane positioning and braking.
  • Get plenty of rest before your exam and arrive early to avoid any added stress.
  • Stay calm and focused while taking the test. If you encounter a difficult question, move on and return to it later.
  • Don’t rush through the exam, take your time to read each question carefully and double check your answers before submitting.
  • Remember to bring all necessary documents for any required training courses, such as identification and proof of completion.