FREE Online Motorcycle License Permit Practice Test for the State of Massachusetts
If you are under the age of 18, you are required to successfully complete the Massachusetts Rider Education Program basic rider course to obtain a Motorcycle License.
Passing the motorcycle permit test in MA is as easy as 1 2 3 using our online interactive Massachusetts motorcycle permit practice test. Please note study for this test is completely FREE.
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What you need to know for the Motorcycle Permit Test in MA
Massachusetts – home of the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots. What better way to celebrate your favorite sports team’s big triumph than a victory lap around the state? There’s much to see, from Boston’s cityscape to a breathtaking coast line.
But wait – there’s something in your way. As a new motorcyclist, no matter how excited you are to hit the roads, the state of Massachusetts won’t let you actually get into the saddle before you’ve passed the Motorcycle Permit Test for MA. Doing so involves answering 10 multiple choice questions correctly, which can range anywhere from knowledge questions about your motorcycle (such as the behavior of its brakes) to terminology (what is a “head check?”) and how to behave correctly on the road.
Now, before you panic, don’t worry. The state offers a free motorcycle manual, which covers everything that could possibly be on the test. Knowing the manual inside and out is the best way to learn just what to expect.
At the same time, it’s difficult to know just how well you’re prepared without checking your knowledge. And that’s where we come in. With our FREE practice tests, you can determine just how well you’re prepared, while at the same time also getting used to the testing format that will await you at the DMV. It’s a win-win, which is why we offer no less than four practice tests for you to take!
The only thing you’ll have to do is click on our website and start the test. And if you have any questions, contact us and we’ll be glad to help you out!