The Motorcycle Experience
It is often said that you will never see a motorcycle parked outside a psychiatrist’s office. Unless, of course, the bike belongs to the psychiatrist. How true is that? Well, you have to ride a motorcycle to find out. The apparent reason is that riding a bike is considered therapeutic. It relieves your stress levels. When other people are doing cocaine, alcohol, and other drugs to get high and forget their problems, some are riding on a motorcycle to feel alive, except that a motorcycle is legal, unlike cocaine and other hard drugs. Don’t get it wrong, riding a motorcycle is nothing compared to substance abuse and addiction. Riding a motorcycle is freedom; sometimes words can’t capture the feelings precisely. Whether you are an amateur or a veteran, you will agree that you can only experience certain things on a motorcycle.
You become hyper-sensitive
Driving a car is like watching a movie at the cinema, but riding a motorcycle is like experiencing that movie in real life. Since you are in direct contact with the environment, all your senses are magnified whenever you are on two wheels. You feel every drop or increase in temperature, moisture, and everything in between. You feel the wind you have never felt before and absolutely love it. Better yet, the sound of the wind, the engine, and whatever you pass creates music to your ears that cannot be explained. Then it feels like your nose has been modified, and suddenly, you can smell everything around you. If you pass through an area with a lot of grass, you will smell the grass before you even get there. You can smell rain dust from miles away and know it is just a matter of time before the rain catches up with you. It is way much better than the IMAX 3D experience.
You trust your instincts
A motorcycle rider notices the minor things that most drivers miss on the road. Like the road being extra slippery the first few minutes after the rain hits or that blind spot that most people ignore. Sometimes, it could be a driver texting while driving or a vehicle that seems driven without a care. Regardless of the situation, your instinct will play a big part while riding a motorcycle. You will likely not want to get close to that driver who is texting and driving. Motorcycle riders don’t trust other drivers on the road to act rationally. Every single time you are on the road, you will constantly analyze other drivers’ agendas and predict your behavior based on your instincts.
Complete concentration
Riding a motorcycle requires 100 percent complete concentration. You cannot ride a motorcycle while thinking about your ex or what is wrong at home. That is why when riding a motorcycle, you forget all your problems and focus on what is on the road at that moment. Unlike a car, riding a motorcycle mainly involves body movement, especially your hands and feet. For instance, when approaching a sharp bend on a road moving at a high speed, you should slow down, lean at the right angle, and maintain balance. Anything less than your complete concentration would be an accident in waiting.
Adrenaline rush
For those who have ridden their motorcycle at a speed between 70mph and 150mph, they can tell you the adrenaline rush that comes with it is out of this world. Everything past 120mph starts to blur, and the wind overwhelms. Although it is dangerous, the thought that if you make a mistake while traveling at very high speed, you will probably end up dead pumps up the adrenaline. Most riders will tell you that time freezes when you’re making a curve on a motorcycle while traveling at an average speed of 200. That moment when the body is hanging on one side of the bike with the knee almost touching the ground before getting back up after the curve is complete. You might take that curve for 2 seconds, but in your mind, it will feel like you’re moving in slow motion. There is no room for error. Any miscalculation on your part will lead to a devastating accident. Such maneuver is dreaded even by professional riders, and if you’re an amateur unfamiliar with your motorcycle’s capabilities, don’t even think about it.
The brotherhood among riders
There is an unspoken brotherhood of unity and respect among motorcycle riders that most people don’t understand. It goes beyond acknowledging each other on the road to stepping up to give a helping hand to a biker in need. You can’t say the same about car drivers who barely recognize each other.
Maintaining a motorcycle is way cheaper than a car. The fuel efficiency is unbelievable when you compare it to a vehicle. Finding a bike that covers 70 miles on a gallon is pretty easy, and it is not even the best offer. The insurance is relatively cheap, just like the depreciation value of a motorcycle is low. Do you know how car parking can take forever, especially at restaurants and malls? You never have to worry about a parking headache with a motorcycle.
Although motorcycles do not have roofs or enclosed bodies like cars, riding one is never dull. Even though driving a car is widely considered safer than riding a motorcycle, most people admit that riding a motorcycle is way more fun than driving a car by a large margin. So go forth and get yourself on a motorcycle!

Permit.Bike is singularly devoted to the purpose of providing an easy-to-learn and simple approach to the act of riding.