Basic Motorcycle Maintenance

Basic Motorcycle Maintenance

Basic Motorcycle MaintenanceWhether you use your motorcycle as your primary mode of transportation or just take it for weekend rides, it’s a good idea to come up with a basic motorcycle maintenance program. You want your bike to be running at highest performance for many years to come, and the last thing you want is to be out on a mountain road, or on your way to work, and deal with a breakdown that could have been avoided.

It’s the best idea to develop your own motorcycle maintenance program. The first thing to do is become familiar with your bike’s owner’s manual as it will provide you with when maintenance is required.

It’s always a good idea to keep a notebook with dates and maintenance done and to input all new changes made.

Some basic motorcycle maintenance tips to follow:

• Tires. This is important as too many owners don’t take the time to check tire pressure and look for unusual wear patterns. After all, these wheels are what get you where you want to go.

• Lights and Signals. Check all lights on your bike, headlight, brake lights and high and low beams regularly. Assure that your signals are also in good working order.

• Oil. Make sure to check the oil level weekly and top it off when necessary. This is the best way to keep your motorcycle performing at peak levels.


• Fuel, air and oil filters. Do a check of each filter on a regular basis to keep your ride at its best. Your owner’s manual will keep you updated.

• Chain. Always lubricate the chain often, particularly if your motorcycle is being driven every day. Dryness leads to brittleness which leads to problems when you least expect them.

• Brakes. Check your brake fluid level and brake pad thickness. Always change out the fluid according to your motorcycle manual.

• Battery. Always opt for a sealed, maintenance-free battery. To keep your battery at its best, use a trickle charger to keep it charged up when not in use.

There you have it. All you need to know for basic motorcycle maintenance.

These are the most basic of tips to perform with your motorcycle. Especially if you are planning a long trip or will be using your bike for vacation, just like you would with a vehicle, you want to be sure to go through your basic motorcycle maintenance to ensure you won’t run into any unforeseen problems when you’re out there enjoying the wind and the road and your life behind bars.