Motorcycle Road Test

How To Prepare For a Motorcycle Road Test

If you’re reading this, you have probably passed the written test and you’re on your way to take the practical motorcycle road test. Unlike the rest, you’re a special breed who wants to ride a motorcycle. That means you have to do written and practical tests specifically for motorcycle riders. Usually, how you prepare for the road test will be the difference between success and failure. Most newbies have a habit of overestimating their abilities only to find out a few mistakes later what they ought to have known. Don’t just aim to pass the test but prepare yourself to be a competent motorcycle rider.

Enroll for Basic Rider Course

The Basic Rider Course is usually offered by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. Depending on the state you take the test, the basic rider course can cost you between $25 to $300. Keep in mind that the requirements vary from state to state. For instance, Idaho has their own course known as Skills Training Advantage for Riders. The best thing about enrolling for a safety and education motorcycle course in the U.S is that you can get a road test waiver at the DMV after you graduate. After that, you will get your motorcycle license or endorsement. However, just because you will get a road test waiver does not mean you will not prove your motorcycle skills to successfully complete the basic rider course. Technically, you will still be doing a motorcycle driving skills test just not at the DMV. Moreover, there could be situations that can make you skip the Basic Rider Course and instead do the motorcycle road test directly at the DMV.

Practice Makes Perfect

A typical education motorcycle course will take you at least 3 days both in and out of the classroom. Pay attention to what you’re taught during the rider course but remember practicing to handle the bike in your free time is just as important. If you opt to do a DMV rider test, the more reason to practice. Leave your comfort zone and go the extra mile to learn skills that will make you a better than the average rider. For instance, practicing in different weather conditions like when the road is wet will increase your perseverance levels. Of course, you have to perfect riding around cones since there is no way you’re going to pass a motorcycle skills test if you keep hitting the cones. The good thing about a motorcycle is that doesn’t take long before you know how to handle it. The more practice, the better.

Motorcycle Road Test

Avoid Common Mistakes and Blunders

Unfortunately, practicing on a motorcycle is just not enough. You could be the best rider on skills basis but a single mistake such as forgetting to signal could be grounds for failure. Get to know the most common mistakes riders make on a motorcycle road test so you could prepare on how to avoid them. Like riding down a highway might seem easy for a beginner rider but wait until you slow down behind traffic, make tight turns while riding slowly without your feet touching down then you will understand how challenging it can be. Above everything else, don’t forget riding a motorcycle is different from driving a car. Almost 80 percent of motorcycle related accidents occur because a driver did not notice a rider passing by. Hence, riders are emphasized to constantly check their mirrors and watch over their shoulders to be constantly aware of their surroundings. The proctor will also be quick to notice common blunders like not signaling in advance before turns, improper positioning and not obeying road signs.

 Know Your Motorcycle

The motorcycle that you use for practice should be the same motorcycle that you use for the road test. Constantly changing motorcycles will complicate the process especially if you’re a beginner motorcycle rider. Typically, the best motorcycles for learning how to ride are the small or average sized motorcycles. Why do you ask? During the road test, a lot of maneuvering, balancing and weaving between cones is required and a small or mid-sized motorcycle will make the job easier for you.

Overcome Test Nerves

Making silly mistakes could be a cause for concern but it could also be a sign of a bigger problem. Don’t just cure the symptom but eliminate the disease. In this case, test nerves could be the reason why you keep making those silly mistakes no matter how hard you practice. However, feeling nervous is not really a disease but a reaction of the body to a new experience. In fact, it happens to almost everybody. The trick is to stay calm during the motorcycle road test and not let yourself get overwhelmed by test nerves. There are various techniques you can use to calm yourself down like exercising, eating well, getting enough sleep and a deep breath.

Find the Appropriate Gear

If you’re required to show up at the test center with your motorcycle gear, you have to wear the part or the test will be over before it even starts. The only way you can avoid such an embarrassment is if you get your helmet, gloves, boots, jacket, reflector and protective pads ready. Furthermore, you will need the safety gears after the motorcycle road test is over.